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Solace Hello World

11 Minute Read


This tutorial assumes the following:

  • You are familiar with OpenMAMA core concepts.
  • You are familiar with Solace core concepts.
  • You have access to a properly installed OpenMAMA release.
    • Solace middleware bridge with its dependencies is also installed
  • You have access to Solace messaging with the following configuration details:
    • Connectivity information for a Solace message-VPN
    • Enabled client username and password

One simple way to get access to Solace messaging quickly is to create a messaging service in Solace Cloud as outlined here. You can find other ways to get access to Solace messaging below.


The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate the most basic messaging interaction using OpenMAMA with the Solace middleware bridge. This tutorial is similar to the OpenMAMA Quick Start Guide and the OpenMAMA Example Walk Through, but with a distinct focus on configuring OpenMAMA with Solace messaging. See the Resources section below for some further links to other OpenMAMA tutorials and examples.

This tutorial will show you how to publish a message with one string field to a specific topic with Solace messaging using OpenMAMA C API.


Installation instructions for OpenMAMA can be found on OpenMAMA Wiki.

Simplified installation instructions for OpenMAMA with Solace middleware bridge are available here.

For building OpenMAMA from source see OpenMAMA Wiki.

Get Solace Messaging

This tutorial requires access Solace PubSub+ messaging and requires that you know several connectivity properties about your Solace messaging. Specifically you need to know the following:

Resources Value Description
Host String This is the address clients use when connecting to the PubSub+ messaging to send and receive messages. (Format: DNS_NAME:Port or IP:Port)
Message VPN String The PubSub+ message router Message VPN that this client should connect to.
Client Username String The client username. (See Notes below)
Client Password String The client password. (See Notes below)

There are several ways you can get access to PubSub+ Messaging and find these required properties.

Option 1: Use PubSub+ Cloud

  • Follow these instructions to quickly spin up a cloud-based PubSub+ messaging service for your applications.

  • The messaging connectivity information is found in the service details in the connectivity tab (shown below). You will need:

    • Host:Port (use the SMF URI)
    • Message VPN
    • Client Username
    • Client Password
Screenshot: Messaging Connectivity Information

Option 2: Start a PubSub+ Software

  • Follow these instructions to start the PubSub+ Software in leading Clouds, Container Platforms or Hypervisors. The tutorials outline where to download and how to install the PubSub+ Software.

  • The messaging connectivity information are the following:

    • Host: <public_ip> (IP address assigned to the VMR in tutorial instructions)

    • Message VPN: default

    • Client Username: sampleUser (can be any value)

    • Client Password: samplePassword (can be any value)

      Note: By default, the PubSub+ Software "default" message VPN has authentication disabled.

Option 3: Get access to a PubSub+ Appliance

  • Contact your PubSub+ appliance administrators and obtain the following:

    • A PubSub+ Message-VPN where you can produce and consume direct and persistent messages
    • The host name or IP address of the Solace appliance hosting your Message-VPN
    • A username and password to access the Solace appliance

Hello World

In our first program we’re going to publish one “Hello World” message to a specific topic on Solace messaging using OpenMAMA with the Solace middleware bridge.

The program will consist of two major parts:

  1. Initialize Solace middleware bridge
  2. Publish Message


Any OpenMAMA program begins with initialization that consists of loading a bridge and opening it, in this particular order:

  • load
  • open

This is how it is done.

Begin by declaring the bridge pointer:

    mamaBridge bridge = NULL;

Then we need to load the bridge, referring to it by its name (“solace”), and open it by calling mama_open():

    mama_loadBridge(&bridge, "solace");

Opening of the bridge must have a corresponding closing mama_close() call:


This is already a program that can be compiled and executed, let’s add to it some console messages that would help us to watch it running, and some rudimentary error handling.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mama/mama.h>

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    printf("Solace OpenMAMA tutorial.\nPublishing one message with OpenMAMA.\n");

    mama_status status;
    mamaBridge bridge = NULL;
    // load Solace middleware bridge and open it
    if (((status = mama_loadBridge(&bridge, "solace")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
        ((status = mama_open()) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
        printf("Closing Solace middleware bridge.\n");
        // normal exit
    printf("OpenMAMA error: %s\n", mamaStatus_stringForStatus(status));

At this point our program needs to be linked with libmama (libmamac or libmamacmddon Windows) and it requires OpenMAMA headers to compile.

On Linux, assuming OpenMAMA installed into /opt/openmama:

$ gcc -o topicPublishOne topicPublishOne.c -I/opt/openmama/include -L/opt/openmama/lib -lmama

On Windows, assuming OpenMAMA is at <openmama> directory:

$ cl topicPublishOne.c /I<openmama>\mama\c_cpp\src\c /I<openmama>\common\c_cpp\src\c\windows -I<openmama>\common\c_cpp\src\c <openmama>\Debug\libmamacmdd.lib

When we run this program, it seems like nothing happened:

$ ./topicPublishOne
Solace OpenMAMA tutorial.
Publishing one message with OpenMAMA.
2016-07-12 13:58:27: Failed to open properties file.
2016-07-12 13:58:27:
Note: This build of the MAMA API is not enforcing entitlement checks.
Please see the Licensing file for details
Closing Solace middleware bridge.

But in fact OpenMAMA has successfully initialized with the Solace middleware bridge and is ready to publish a message.

Publish Message

You have definitely noticed the “Failed to open properties file” log message (if it appears twice, ignore one of them, it is a well known OpenMAMA pickle.

It means that MAMA at run-time is looking for the properties file and we will create that file a bit later.

At this point we can successfully load the Solace middleware bridge and open it, which means a successful initialization of OpenMAMA. Now we can publish a message.

In order to publish a message we need to do the following in this particular order:

  1. Create a transport for the Solace middleware bridge
  2. Create a publisher that uses this transport
  3. Create a message
  4. Use the publisher to send the message

Create transport

Creating of transport includes two steps in this particular order:

  • allocate
  • create
mamaTransport transport = NULL;
mamaTransport_create(transport, "vmr", bridge);

Notice the name of the transport: “vmr”. This is the alias we will refer to from the properties file.

Don’t forget to destroy the transport before closing the bridge:


This is how our program looks now, let’s compile and run it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mama/mama.h>

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    printf("Solace OpenMAMA tutorial.\nPublishing one message with OpenMAMA.\n");

    mama_status status;
    mamaBridge bridge = NULL;
    // load Solace middleware bridge and open it
    if (((status = mama_loadBridge(&bridge, "solace")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
        ((status = mama_open()) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
        // create transport
        mamaTransport transport = NULL;
        if (((status = mamaTransport_allocate(&transport)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
            ((status = mamaTransport_create(transport, "vmr", bridge)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
            printf("Closing Solace middleware bridge.\n");
            // normal exit
    printf("OpenMAMA error: %s\n", mamaStatus_stringForStatus(status));

Now our program runs with a failure when creating of the Solace middleware bridge transport, the failure error code is STATUS_PLATFORM:

2016-06-28 14:08:11: Warn SOLACE-MW-Bridge: (mama/c_cpp/src/c/bridge/solace/logging.c:129): [API] solClientOS.c:3394 (7f1192289700) TCP connection failure for fd 7, error = Connection refused (111)
2016-06-28 14:08:11: Warn SOLACE-MW-Bridge: (mama/c_cpp/src/c/bridge/solace/logging.c:129): [API] solClient.c:11775 (7f1192289700) Session '(c0,s1)' error attempting transport connection, client name 'localhost.localdomain/13964/#00000001', peer address 'IP', connection 'tcp_TxRx' local address 'IP'
2016-06-28 14:08:11: Warn SOLACE-MW-Bridge: (mama/c_cpp/src/c/bridge/solace/logging.c:129): [API] solClient.c:11276 (7f1192289700) Protocol or communication error when attempting to login for session '(c0,s1)'; are session HOST and PORT correct? client name 'localhost.localdomain/13964/#00000001', peer address 'IP', connection 'tcp_TxRx' local address 'IP'
2016-06-28 14:08:11: Warn SOLACE-MW-Bridge: (mama/c_cpp/src/c/bridge/solace/transport.c:480): Error in solClient_session_connect() - ReturnCode='Not ready', SubCode='SOLCLIENT_SUBCODE_COMMUNICATION_ERROR', ResponseCode=0, Info='solClientOS.c:3394                   (7f1192289700) TCP connection failure for fd 7, error = Connection refused (111)'

This means we cannot go on without configuring a transport for the Solace middleware bridge, and that transport is Solace messaging.

Configuring transport for the Solace middleware bridge means creating and editing a configuration file. The recommended name for this file is and its location needs to be known to the bridge.

Create a text file named and add to it a minimum set of properties for Solace messaging:


Notice how solace and vmr property token names are the same as in mama_loadBridge(&bridge, "solace") and mamaTransport_create(transport, "vmr", bridge) calls.

  • mama.solace.transport.vmr.session_host is Host and usually has a value of the host address of your Solace messaging.
  • mama.solace.transport.vmr.session_username is Client Username
  • mama.solace.transport.vmr.session_password is optional Client Password
  • mama.solace.transport.vmr.session_vpn_name is Message VPN
  • mama.solace.transport.vmr.allow_recover_gaps doesn’t have a default value and specifies whether the Solace middleware bridge should override applications settings for recovering from sequence number gaps in subscriptions. When allow_recover_gaps is true applications are allowed to specify the gap recovery behaviour. When allow_recover_gaps is false, the gap recovery is disabled for all subscriptions, regardless of applications settings.

Now we need to modify our program to refer to this properties file by its name and location (in the current directory: "."):


This is how our program looks now, let’s compile and run it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mama/mama.h>

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    printf("Solace OpenMAMA tutorial.\nPublishing one message with OpenMAMA.\n");

    mama_status status;
    mamaBridge bridge = NULL;
    // load Solace middleware bridge and open it
    if (((status = mama_loadBridge(&bridge, "solace")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
        ((status = mama_openWithProperties(".","")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
        // create transport
        mamaTransport transport = NULL;
        if (((status = mamaTransport_allocate(&transport)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
            ((status = mamaTransport_create(transport, "vmr", bridge)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
            printf("Closing Solace middleware bridge.\n");
            // normal exit
    printf("OpenMAMA error: %s\n", mamaStatus_stringForStatus(status));

Now our program runs without any errors and it successfully connects to Solace messaging. If you sleep the main thread before the mamaTransport_destroy(transport) call, you can see use PubSub+ Manager to see this program as a client connected to Solace messaging.

Create publisher

The only thing we want to happen with this program is to publish the “Hello World” message and for that we need to create a publisher.

A publisher is created for a specific topic (named “tutorial.topic” in this tutorial) and the already created transport:

mamaPublisher publisher = NULL;
mamaPublisher_create(&publisher, transport, "tutorial.topic", NULL, NULL);

It needs to have a corresponding destroy call:


The publisher is ready, let’s create the message we’re going to publish.

Create message

A message is created with one call, but it is created empty, so we need to add a field with the string "Hello World" in it.

mamaMsg message = NULL;
mamaMsg_addString(message, "MyGreetingField", 99, "Hello World");

Notice that our field has a name ("MyGreetingField") and a field identifier a.k.a. FID (99). Both are of arbitrary values in this tutorial, but if your program publishes market data, their values need to be assigned according to the data dictionary.

Send message

At this point the only things left are to send the message and to delete it afterwards to avoid memory leaks:

mamaPublisher_send(publisher, message);

This is the final look of our program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mama/mama.h>

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    printf("Solace OpenMAMA tutorial.\nPublishing one message with OpenMAMA.\n");

    mama_status status;
    mamaBridge bridge = NULL;
    // load Solace middleware bridge and open it
    if (((status = mama_loadBridge(&bridge, "solace")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
        ((status = mama_openWithProperties(".","")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
        // 1\. create transport and 2\. create publisher
        mamaTransport transport = NULL;
        mamaPublisher publisher = NULL;
        if (((status = mamaTransport_allocate(&transport)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
            ((status = mamaTransport_create(transport, "vmr", bridge)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
            ((status = mamaPublisher_create(&publisher, transport, "tutorial.topic", NULL, NULL)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
            // 3\. create message and add a string field to it
            mamaMsg message = NULL;
            if (((status = mamaMsg_create(&message)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK) &&
                ((status = mamaMsg_addString(message, "MyGreetingField", 99, "Hello World")) == MAMA_STATUS_OK))
                // 4\. send the message
                if ((status = mamaPublisher_send(publisher, message)) == MAMA_STATUS_OK)
                    // notice that "destroy" calls are in the opposite order of "create" calls
                    printf("Message published, closing Solace middleware bridge.\n");
                    // normal exit
    printf("OpenMAMA error: %s\n", mamaStatus_stringForStatus(status));


Combining the example source code shown above results in the following source code files:


To build on Linux, assuming OpenMAMA installed into /opt/openmama:

$ gcc -o topicPublishOne topicPublishOne.c -I/opt/openmama/include -L/opt/openmama/lib -lmama

To build on Windows, assuming OpenMAMA is at <openmama> directory:

$ cl topicPublishOne.c /I<openmama>\mama\c_cpp\src\c /I<openmama>\common\c_cpp\src\c\windows -I<openmama>\common\c_cpp\src\c <openmama>\Debug\libmamacmdd.lib

Running the application

On Linux:

$ ./topicPublishOne

On Windows:

$ topicPublishOne.exe

Sample output

This is the program’s console output (on Linux):

$ ./topicPublishOne
Solace OpenMAMA tutorial.
Publishing one message with OpenMAMA.
2016-07-13 11:46:10:
Note: This build of the MAMA API is not enforcing entitlement checks.
Please see the Licensing file for details
2016-07-13 11:46:10: mamaTransport_create(): No entitlement bridge specified for transport vmr. Defaulting to noop.
Message published, closing Solace middleware bridge.

You can see the message published by listening for it on Solace messaging with the sdkperf_c utility:

$ ./sdkperf_c -cip= -cu=default@default -stl=">" -md

CPU mask currently set to: 0x0003\.  To modify use linux cmd: taskset
CPU Speed calculated (Hz): 2980249271
Client naming used:
    logging ID   = 000001
    username     = default
    vpn          = default
    client names = sdk generated.

APP NOTICE Wed Jul 13 11:45:59.762 2016 PerfClientCollection.cpp:95          (7f65461f9740) Master random seed used : 261933454
APP NOTICE Wed Jul 13 11:45:59.786 2016 AbstractClientCollection.cpp:1744    (7f65461f9740) Router capabilities: (PFG=1, SFG=1, TEMP=1, JNDI=1, Z=1)
Receiving messages.  Ctrl-c to exit.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Message ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Destination:                            Topic 'tutorial/topic'
Class Of Service:                       COS_1
DeliveryMode:                           DIRECT
User Property Map:
  Key 'U' (STRING) dfedorov
  Key 'H' (STRING) localhost.localdomain
  Key 'P' (INT32) 5086
Binary Attachment:                      len=44
  31 01 2f 00 00 00 2a 0c  04 00 63 18 13 65 4d 79      1./...*.   ..c..eMy
  47 72 65 65 74 69 6e 67  46 69 65 6c 64 00 1c 0e      Greeting   Field...
  48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f  72 6c 64 00                  Hello Wo   rld.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End Message ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Between the Start Message and End Message console output you can see the published message topic 'tutorial/topic' as Destination and the message with the string field “Hello World” as Binary Attachment.

Congratulations! You have now successfully published a message on Solace messaging using OpenMAMA with the Solace middleware bridge.


For more information about OpenMAMA:

For more information about Solace technology:

Other tutorials and related links: